Best Websites to learn Computer Science.


 1. Tutorialspoint

                            It is an online platform, where you can learn HTML 5, python, perl, PHP,  JAVA, C++, and node.js. The website's library will give you more than you need.


 2. Studytonight

                          Studytonight is a good website to learn computer science for free. it covers all topics of Computer science.


 3. Geeks for Geeks 

                                This website is specially designed for students who are going to appear in an interview of computer science. It has many solutions from beginning to technicality.


 4. W3schools

                        Here is a website where students can cover all the topics of programming language. The website is also offering a testing section where you can test your programming knowledge.


 5. Quora

                It is an online community, where you can ask every question about anything. There is large number of people here who are concerned about computer science.


 6. Stack overflow 

                            It is a community of developers , where developers from all over the world communicate to each other. They share their problems with each other and try to solve it.


 7. computer hope 

                            It is a help and support center for all issues of computer. It covers both hardware and software aspects. If your computer is creating trouble shoot you can solve it from this site also.


 8. JavaTpoint 

                      This site provides solution to issues of computer and modern technology. IT also teaches new developments like Block chain and AI.


 9. Khan Academy 

                             Khan academy provides many lectures on various subjects. There is a lot of data for computer science too.

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